If you are experiencing any issues, please review the troubleshooting topics below and the How-To section.
If you still experience issues, please contact us at We are happy to help!
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Troubleshooting Tips:
Apple Phone Settings
Check to make sure your settings are correct.
- Notifications: Your device's notifications must be ON for RaceJoy (including Sounds) in order to receive audio progress alerts and cheers.
- Location Services: The device you wish to have tracked must have Location Services ALWAYS ON for tracking to function (not "While Using"). Go to Privacy/Location Services to verify.
- Background App Refresh: General phone setting Background App Refresh must be ON for GPS tracking to stay enabled.
- Wi-Fi: Make sure to turn OFF Wi-Fi and use your cellular service provider when you turn your tracking on. Wi-Fi does not work well with GPS tracking across race courses and will cause your tracking to turn off as you move away from the Wi-Fi area. Plus, your battery will drain at a much faster rate as your phone attempts to make new connections as you move along the course.
- Apple Watch: Check to make sure you do not have Silent Mode or Do Not Disturb selected on your Apple Watch as these settings extend to your phone.
Apple does not allow the App to override your settings. Please ensure these are enabled so that you can experience RaceJoy’s mobile features.
General Info
Logged in Wrong
If you logged into RaceJoy incorrectly, simply click on the name or Guest at the top of the screen and follow the prompts. Make sure to sign in as yourself and not the person you are tracking or RaceJoy will track your phone instead of theirs!
If you are not receiving cheers, one of the following needs to be adjusted:
- Notifications Turned On: the participant must have their Sound notifications ON for RaceJoy and in the global Notifications setting for his/her phone.
- Turn Up Volume: Make sure your Notifications Volume is turned up. Many Android users will have this turned down and not realize it.
- Check Apple Watch: Make sure you do not have Do Not Disturb or Silent Mode on. These settings extend to to your phone.
If you are unable to send cheers, the participant may have his/her notifications OFF for RaceJoy. Notifications must be ON to receive cheers. Ask your participant turn On Notifications for RaceJoy and at the global Notifications level.
You can go to Buzz to replay any cheers sent and received.
Live Tracking
Tracking Not Working
Check if Using RaceJoy: Make sure the participant has turned on their tracking in RaceJoy within 30 minutes of the race start time. The participant must go into the app and activate the tracking. You will see their GPS signal turn green when RaceJoy receives a signal from the person’s phone.
Participant Troubleshooting:
- Verify Signed In Correctly: Click your name or Guest at the top of the screen and make sure you are signed in as a participant versus a spectator or guest.
- Test Tracking: The participant can test tracking by clicking PhoneTrak and then the Test Tracking button. A prompt will appear if a setting is off.
- Turn OFF Wi-fi and Airplane Mode: The participant needs to have a connection with their cellular provider versus using Wi-Fi or Airplane mode.
- Check Apple Phone Settings: Background App Refresh for RaceJoy must be On. Location Services must be Always On.
- Turn on Tracking: Make sure you enter the app and turn your tracking on prior to the race starting. Tracking is activated 30 minutes prior to race start time.
If the participant is showing up in the wrong location, then someone else has logged in as the participant. Simply have the participant click on their name at the top of the screen and follow the prompts to reclaim their phone as the tracking device.
Tracking Stopped
If you were tracking someone and their tracking stopped, one of the following has occurred:
Apple Phone Setting Incorrect:
- Background App Refresh must be On for RaceJoy and at its global setting for the phone.
- Location Services must be set to Always On.
If you were tracking someone and then about 15 minutes later, their tracking stopped, it is typically due to one of these settings being incorrectly set up or their use of Wi-Fi. The participant will receive a prompt from the app and needs to adjust the setting.
Using Wi-Fi: The participant may be using Wi-Fi and as they are travelling the course, their phone lost the connection. Let them know they need to turn OFF Wi-Fi or wait and see if they reconnect to another Wi-Fi source.
Poor Cell Zone or Data Bandwidth: The participant’s cellular provider may have poor cell or data connections where the race is being held. Each provider is different for a given region. If this is the case, then this is temporary and RaceJoy is designed to pick up their phone’s signal automatically when they enter a functioning region.
Depleted Battery: The participant’s phone battery may be depleted or is in Power Save mode. This may occur when there is an older phone model, poor cell conditions or when other apps are being used that require significant battery. RaceJoy’s tracking can typically be used for eight to 14 hours with a fully charged battery.
Person Showing in Wrong Location
This will occur when someone accidently logs in as the person they wish to track – typically a well-meaning family member or friend. The participant can re-claim their phone by clicking on the name at the top of the screen and following the prompts.
Progress Alerts
Not Receiving Progress Alerts
Spectator Tips:
- Go to Buzz and then Progress Alerts. This is where you can see past alerts received. If you do not see any alerts, check to see that the participant has activated RaceJoy by looking to see if their GPS symbol is green. If their symbol is gray, their phone is not transmitting to RaceJoy. Their phone must be connected to RaceJoy in order for progress alerts to be issued.
- Verify that you have Notifications ON for RaceJoy and for the global Notifications on your phone.
Participant Tips:
- Make Sure You are Set Up Correctly: Click your name at the top of the screen. If Guest is at the top of the screen, you have signed in as a spectator. Simply click this and follow the prompts.
- Turn OFF Wi-Fi and Airplane Mode: The participant needs to have a connection with their cellular provider and should not be in Airplane mode or using Wi-Fi.
- Check Apple Phone Settings: Background App Refresh must be On for RaceJoy and at its global setting for the phone. Location Services must be set to Always On. Notifications must be on for RaceJoy and globally for the phone.
- Verify Notifications Volume is On and Turned Up.
Progress Alerts Stopped
If were receiving progress alerts and they stop, one of the following has occurred:
- There has been an unexpected change in the course map – RaceJoy’s alerts are based upon the course route provided by the race. When changes in the route occur and are not adjusted in RaceJoy, this may impact or discontinue the progress alerts.
- Poor Cell or Data Zone: the participant’s cellular provider may have poor cell or limited data connections along the course. Each provider is different for a given region. If this is the case, then alerts may stop temporarily and pick back up in a functioning region.
- Depleted Battery: The participant’s phone battery may be depleted or is in Power Save mode. This may occur when there is an older phone model, poor cell conditions or when other apps are being used that require significant battery. RaceJoy tracking can typically be used for eight to 14 hours with a fully charged battery.
Missing or Wrong Results
Contact the race directly if you need to have your results adjusted or if they are missing. RaceJoy does not manage the results and simply delivers the data provided by the timer.
No Guarantee: RaceJoy is bringing together multiple technologies to deliver advanced tracking and interactive experiences during the race. There are many variables that affect RaceJoy's ability to function properly and there is no guarantee RaceJoy will function for a given user.
Factors that may affect RaceJoy include older phone models, improper phone set up, weak cell signals in a given region, participant's use of Wi-Fi, unexpected course changes, etc. If you experience any issues, please contact us at