Features of RaceJoy
Features for the Participant
Official race experience
GPS phone tracking of participants
Progress alerts at every mile – without timing equipment
Remote spectator cheer sending
Virtual and traditional results integration
Off-course alerts (for defined course paths)
Route Redo (for virtual and hybrid events only)
Official course map viewing (defined courses)
Audio race experience
Features for the Race
Custom audio experience (geo and distance-based cheers)
Race day monitoring system
Progress board
Race operations tracking
News alert system
Direct-to-participant communication tools
Sponsor promotion
Relay team tracking system with manual entry option
RaceJoy is only available through RaceJoy Certified Providers. Certified Providers are Race Timers who have been trained on the technology and will be your main contact throughout the process. To check if the race timer you currently work with is a Certified Provider, or to find a new provider, use the button below. If you need assistance connecting with a Certified Timer, please let us know.
Sponsor Promotion in RaceJoy
Race organizers or sponsors have the opportunity to be prominently showcased in RaceJoy and reaching a highly engaged audience of participants and their supporting family and friends. RaceJoy's offers linkable banner ads, custom branding in user social twitter posts and with each progress alert issued. Alerts are typically issued at every mile - creating thousands of impression moments and a significant value for the sponsor.
The interactive tools within RaceJoy draw people in and ensure race and sponsors receive maximum exposure.
In-app advertising is one of the most powerful marketing tools today; more effective than print, television or radio.
Resources for Sponsors
Sponsor Opportunities in RaceJoy
There are many ways to showcase a sponsor in RaceJoy, including:
Progress alert recognition
Linkable banner ads
Logo placements & custom content (event info, schedule, FAQ, course map)
User social media posts
Geo-based, distance-based cheers (limit of 3 per course, commercials/straight advertising not permitted)
Key Features for Organizers
What’s in it for the Race Director?
Sure, runner-tracking and cheers are cool. But RaceJoy is for the race, not just the runners. The features below are just an overview of options - talk to your Certified Provider about the features they recommend, and how activate them.
We invite you to explore RaceJoy by checking out all the innovative features we offer. Download RaceJoy or Take a Tour.
Custom Content in Racejoy
There are multiple custom content areas in RaceJoy that can be adjusted to improve the participant experience.
Event Logo
Linkable banners ads
Event Info page
Course Map customization (for defined courses)
Official race news alerts
Audio Experience
Races can create a custom audio experience for their events by loading audio messages to play as participants complete distance points or locations on defined courses. These can be supportive, engaging messages for the race anywhere events to virtually engage with participants. The on-site events with defined course paths can also add contextual audio messages such as directional cues or pointing out interesting points along the course.
Note that a limit of three sponsor messages per course is permitted and no commercials or straight advertising is allowed.
Monitor Dashboard
Organizers also have the ability to monitor those that are using RaceJoy with an at-a-glance map view of each event. The Race Anywhere events will show a more spanned out, global view of those actively on the course. In addition, this provides access to helpful data such as a progress board, milestone stats, individual stats, route replay, and off-course alerts. Access this from the RaceJoy section of your dashboard. Below is a how-to video on using the monitoring capabilities.
Real-Time Communications Tool
Race organizers can send official race news communication announcements that are sent as in-app notifications to anyone who has entered their event in RaceJoy. These are multi-media friendly and can contain just text or added graphics, links, videos, and logos. Alerts can be scheduled to send at a future date or sent at any time. These should be selective and contain more important race news.
In addition, race organizers can send send text-to-speech messages that are delivered to participants’ phone from their RaceJoy Monitor Dashboard. Organizers can use this as their remote megaphone to message many or as a personal, direct line of communication to individuals. Organizers simply select who they want the message to go to, type in the message, and click send.
Promotion Tools
Increased Usage, Increased Joy
The usage in RaceJoy is dependent upon how much race organizers communicate its availability and increases with increased promotion. Races can use the following promotional tools to help drive usage:
User How-To Piece:
Post on social media and race website
Promotion Toolkit:
Includes graphics and sample content
Email Upon Registration: Races using RunSignup for registration also have the advantage of automatic emails going out to registrants. These can be adjusted with sponsor logos and other key information under the Email Marketing, Automated Email section on the race’s dashboard.
You can find more promotional materials on the Race Director Resources page.
““I appreciated the GPS tracking and progress alerts but the CHEERS from my kids, when they came through, was the icing on the cake! This [RaceJoy] is a wonderful app that combined useful information AND motivational support. I look forward to using it again at another race! ””
Try out RaceJoy Rocks Virtual 5K, a demo race created speficially to provide race organizers the opportunity to experience RaceJoy as a participant. Registration is free and you can run anywhere.
Want to Get Started with RaceJoy?
RaceJoy is available through RaceJoy Certified Providers. To verify if your current race timer is certified, or to find a list of Certified providers, use our Certified Provider Search.