RaceJoy for Timers
Grow your Business
Become a Racejoy Certified Provider
How does Certification Work?
Timers who complete the half-day RaceJoy Certification course are eligible to offer RaceJoy to the races they work with.
What is involved in offering RaceJoy?
Certified Timers who offer RaceJoy oversee the administration of RaceJoy, including map building, timing configurations, adjustments, and coordinating efforts and support with race organizers and users.
What Are the Benefits of Being Certified?
Market Differentiation. Offer a unique, interactive race experience that your competitors cannot match.
Flexibility. RaceJoy allows you to more easily pivot between in-person and virtual races - while providing a personal experience in all outcomes.
Additional Services. Races are looking to timers for leadership on technology. Including an option for RaceJoy is a gateway to building a larger relationship with your clients.
Contact us if you’d like to become a RaceJoy Certified Timer.